3 Healthy Ways to Binge

Summer is beginning and its time to get that summer bod and watch that new show you have been dying to start. Instead of laying on the couch, eating pizza, and watching Netflix, here are some healthier alternatives. So before you start watching that new show, try some of these tips to stay a little healthier during the summer.

1.Put your show on while you are cooking a healthy meal.


photo from superiorequipmentsupplies.com

Sometimes cooking may seem like a chore but make it a little fun by letting your current binge play in the background. I like to put on an episode like The Office when I am making a meal. Its also fun when you are cleaning or doing any other work around the house.

2.Watch it at the gym instead of listening to music.


photo from theodysseyonline.com

Before you reach for your typical gym playlist, try watching that show you can’t stop thinking about. It can be just as good as music and sometimes better. Instead of focusing on how long you have been on the treadmill, you are worrying about the current love triangle on Grey’s Anatomy.

3.  Do a workout that for your favorite show. Trust me when I say that they are a workout.greys

photo from eyelinerwingsandprettythings.com

To find a workout for you favorite show, go on Pinterest or look for it on Google. I suggest doing a show you have seen before and enjoy re-watching. It will help you focus more on the workout then the show.

The thing about these workouts are that looks can be deceiving. You think that it will be OK but you don’t realize how much “someone calls for a crash cart” until you watch the show. These workouts may be tough at first but they are really fun and even more fun when you do them with friends.

Hope that these tips are helpful when going on with your summer binges. And remember The Show Must Go On.


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