It was an end that I knew was coming but not sure if I was ready for. I really enjoy Jane the Virgin a lot. I remember when I first heard about the concept of the show and I was like this is never going to work. Then I watched it, and I loved it. I think the cast is great. I really love the main characters and how the focus is the women.
We start the show with the Villanueva women who have taken care of themselves for so long. I think showing their dynamic and the differences between them has been wonderful and I loved seeing them grow and changing.I can’t forget about the guys as well. I think they were all casted perfectly and I think they show how to respect women and showing what relationships are like with strong women. Each relationship is different but great for each couple. There were a lot of crazy twist and turns throughout the show and you think that Jane can never get a break. You think that she is happy and then something else comes along. I am so glad that she finally got her happy ending.
One of my favorite things from this recent season was the relationship between Petra and Jane. I love how close they have gotten and that they consider each other to be sisters. I never thought that they would get here from when they started. It is one of the relationships that I have cherished the most. And one of my favorite things from this season was Rafael and Jane getting married. I rooted for them since the very beginning. Michael was a good guy but I really did like her with Rafael. They finally got their happy ending and it was worth the wait.
I wish that I cold have had more episodes and spend more time with these characters. The creators of the show knew when the story needed to end. I was nervous with the ending because the episodes before it had me thinking that it wouldn’t be happy. The last episode didn’t disappoint. I was happy with it. I think that it was a good conclusion and it gave the fans closure. My favorite part is when you find out that Mateo is the man who is behind the voice over. Thank you to everyone who was a part of making Jane the Virgin. It has become on of my favorites and I will probably be watching it again and again for years to come. What did you think fo the Jane the Virgin finale? Let me know in the comments below.
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