Blogmas Day 9!
So I have been slacking a little when it comes to TV. If you have seen on my youtube channel. I have a watchlist video I do almost every month. Well there were a lot of shows I picked, that I didn’t end up watching. So my goal is to make sure I watch them next year. I will be listing the show, what month I tried to watch it, and what category I picked it for.
Avatar – I picked this show in July. This was for the category Pick a children’s show

Kim’s Convenience – I also picked this show in July. This was for the category Watch a comedy.

All American – I picked this show in October. This was picked for Watch a show recommended by a family member.

Reservation Dogs – I picked this show in November. This was picked for the category Watch a show with a cast of predominantly people of color.

Dive Club – This was also picked in November. This one was picked for the category Watch a children’s show

I will try my best to watch these 5 TV shows for 2022. If you are interested in seeing the watchlist I picked these shows in, then I will leave a link to the playlist below. Hopefully, I am able to watch these shows next year.
Watchlist Playlist –
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