I like watching TV so I decided to write about it.

This site is all about TV shows. It is about my thoughts, opinions, and suggestions regarding TV. I am just someone who is a fan of many shows and I wanted to share my passion with everyone else.
Why do I love watching TV? I love watching a story unfold. I love knowing the cast of a show on and off the show and how they get along. I like the behind the scenes and what goes into making a scene. Most of all, I like all the magic comes together and watching it come alive every time I watch a show.
Currently working on my dream of working in the entertainment industry and traveling while doing it. It’s crazy to me how I found something that I loved and want to spend the rest of my life doing. I’m just a dreamer hoping that this dream pays off.
Some of my popular posts
11 of My Favorite Jim and Pam Moments
15 Reasons Why Nathan and Haley are Couple Goals
20 TV Cartoons That I Use to Watch
14 Couples Who Are Valentine’s Day Goals
5 of My Favorite Chuck and Blair Moments
Fun Facts
- I am really into Natural Beauty and Self Confidence
- Naps are life
- I like pineapples and bacon on my pizza
- Favorite Shows: Binge- The Office, Current – Stranger Things
- One day I hope to produce my very own show
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