www.lovebscott.com I decided to start this show because of some friends persistence. My friends kept saying how good the show is and all the drama that occurred. At first I was skeptical to watch, because I wasn’t sure if I would like it. After tons of persistence, I finally brokeRead More →

 photo from  bustle.com So this past weekend, I watched season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Shmidt. I was so happy when it came back on April 15th. I had high expectations and it did not disappoint. Kimmy is still trying to get used to what the current world is like butRead More →

photo from instyle.com I officially have a new addiction and it is called The Family. This show is currently my new obsession. While on break, I decided to check out the show that everyone was talking about and trust me when I say it didn’t disappoint. If you haven’t heard aboutRead More →

photo from tv.com I finally finished the Netflix original show Between. I started it in the summer but with working and everything else I didn’t finish it until this past week. This show is about a town that is affected by a virus, but this virus only killed people who wereRead More →

 nbc.com If you are looking for a new comedy, Superstore is not a bad one to watch. I have seen the first 4 episodes and they are not bad. I did have an occasional chuckle throughout these episodes.  So far it has been pretty good, it definitely has potential toRead More →

 Photo from : adultswim.com I was a little hesitant to give this show try. From the previews it looked funny, but like a corny type of funny. I never thought I would watch it. People around me were very persistent, and kept telling me how funny it was. I wasRead More →

  The ratings for this show have been off the roof. If you thought Family Feud couldn’t get any better, than you were wrong. Let me introduce you to Celebrity Family Feud! Different Celebrity families like the Braxton’s have been on this show and let me tell you that youRead More →

If you haven’t heard of UnReal, then you need to. This show is so addicting and I can not stop watching. It is definitely one of the hottest shows of the summer. UnReal is a different type of show and I haven’t really seen anything like it before. It is aRead More →

My most recent binge has been one of the most popular shows, which is Game of Thrones. I have always wanted to watch this show and I am glad that I did. This show is based on the book series Game of Thrones ( which I plan on reading). ThisRead More →