What Up! What Up! What Up! I just finished watching A Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix. I do have to say that I kind of liked it. I had read all the books when I was younger and finally a show has come out that will bring them toRead More →

I haven’t posted in a while but I will get better at posting more often. I have recently been traveling the world and was kind of distracted but I’m officially back so lets get down to business. While in London I decided, let me watch The Crown. I was soRead More →

Right now it is midnight and I had to write this now because I am all hyped up on the Gilmore Girls revival. Before I saw it, I thought it would be more of a goodbye message to the fans. I thought that it would be the final season thatRead More →

This show was previously on USA and I wanted to watch it but I just never got to it. Now it is on Netflix. Let’s just say that after I watched it, I was not disappointed. This show is about a Sniper named Bob Lee Swagger played by Ryan Phillippe.Read More →

So I have been watching Big Bang Theory on Netflix. All 9 seasons that are there. So I apologize for being so quiet online.  Why did I want to watch this so you ask? I watched some episodes on TV but just here and there. It has been on forRead More →

So I decided to jump on the band wagon. Everyone I knew was watching this show, and my news feeds were filled with tons of Stranger Things reactions. So when I was packing to go to Paris, I thought it was the perfect time to watch this show. Boy wasRead More →

I just finished watching 2 seasons of Brooklyn Nine Nine and I can’t get enough. This show of course was recommended by a friend. She told me that she was laughing all day just from watching it. I watched it and completely agreed with her. I began watching this showRead More →

 www.lovebscott.com I decided to start this show because of some friends persistence. My friends kept saying how good the show is and all the drama that occurred. At first I was skeptical to watch, because I wasn’t sure if I would like it. After tons of persistence, I finally brokeRead More →

Summer is beginning and its time to get that summer bod and watch that new show you have been dying to start. Instead of laying on the couch, eating pizza, and watching Netflix, here are some healthier alternatives. So before you start watching that new show, try some of theseRead More →