I recently watched Luke Cage on Netflix and loved it. A character that I thought was portrayed was Cottonmouth played by Mahershala Ali. I thought his acting for this character was on point and I couldn’t get enough. He appeared on things like House of Cards and the Hunger GamesRead More →

What Up! What Up! What Up! I just finished watching A Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix. I do have to say that I kind of liked it. I had read all the books when I was younger and finally a show has come out that will bring them toRead More →

I haven’t posted in a while but I will get better at posting more often. I have recently been traveling the world and was kind of distracted but I’m officially back so lets get down to business. While in London I decided, let me watch The Crown. I was soRead More →

Right now it is midnight and I had to write this now because I am all hyped up on the Gilmore Girls revival. Before I saw it, I thought it would be more of a goodbye message to the fans. I thought that it would be the final season thatRead More →

This show was previously on USA and I wanted to watch it but I just never got to it. Now it is on Netflix. Let’s just say that after I watched it, I was not disappointed. This show is about a Sniper named Bob Lee Swagger played by Ryan Phillippe.Read More →

So I have been watching Big Bang Theory on Netflix. All 9 seasons that are there. So I apologize for being so quiet online.  Why did I want to watch this so you ask? I watched some episodes on TV but just here and there. It has been on forRead More →

So I decided to jump on the band wagon. Everyone I knew was watching this show, and my news feeds were filled with tons of Stranger Things reactions. So when I was packing to go to Paris, I thought it was the perfect time to watch this show. Boy wasRead More →

I just finished watching 2 seasons of Brooklyn Nine Nine and I can’t get enough. This show of course was recommended by a friend. She told me that she was laughing all day just from watching it. I watched it and completely agreed with her. I began watching this showRead More →