I usually do not like reality TV shows but this season of Big Brother has got me addicted.
I don’t know what it is, but the drama is starting so soon in this house. All these people are paranoid to the max and seeing what they will do to ensure their safety is crazy. They are all competing for $500,000 and putting strangers together in a house to compete for money, you are bound to have some drama.
My favorite person so far is Donny. He says some of the strangest things that make me laugh and smile and overall has a good heart. There is a showmance that might be forming between Hayden and Nicole. Love them because they are too cute and they don’t even have to try. There is another type of relationship but it is not cute at all between Amber and Caleb. Caleb has a kind of obsession over Amber and it is creepy and annoying at the same time because she doesn’t feel the same way back.
There are 3 parents in the show which are Brittany, Derrick, and Devin and they could not be more different. They are all doing it for their kids and that is the one thing they all have in common. There is Frankie who is the brother of Ariana Grande and he is super fun to be around. Then there is his buddy Zach who is also a strong competitor. There is also Christine who is very sweet and smart. The last one is Cody who is very fit but is a flirt amongst the girls.
I love this show and especially Team America. This team includes Frankie, Donny, and Derrick and I absolutely love all of them. I am so glad that they are team America. I can’t wait to see how they carry out their next mission. They have to get a physical threat nominated and with Frankie being on Team America and winning HOH, it couldn’t be easier.
Big Brother has live feeds every night on TVGN and then the regular episodes on CBS on Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. If you have seen big brother, what has been your favorite season.?
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Photo from: https://thecasualblast.wordpress.com/2014/06/29/big-brother-16-recap-and-review-episode-3/
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