This show is a comedy-horror show with Ariana Grande, Keke Palmer, Lea Michele, Emma Roberts and many others. It is Glee’s last season on FOX which is unfortunate but FOX still wanted a musical show. It is from the same creator as Glee but it takes place on a college campus. This show is about a series of murders on a college campus but has music involved. It will be premiering next fall. Music mixed with television is very popular at the moment and has also been successful. Glee although it is ending was very successful when it first started. Galavant was a recent short comedy musical that was only 8 episodes in the first season. It is funny and corny but that is what makes it amusing. Nashville which is about country music and the stars that create it, is currently on its 3rd Season and doing well. Empire is the newest show following music within the hip hop industry and has been very hot! This show’s popularity has grown enormously week after week. The question is what will Scream Queens bring to television? Will it be able to keep up with the other shows with music intertwined, or will the competition be to much for Scream Queens? I think the variety of cast and singers the show will have will be good for it. I am interested in how they will combine music with comedy and horror. I am definitely interested to see what this show will bring coming this fall.