Binge of The Month: Ashes of Love

Ashes of Love has been my most recent binge. This is another Chinese drama that caught my eye and I am glad that I watched it.

The show is basically about gods, kind of like how there are Greek gods like Zeus or Athena. In this show they don’t call them gods, but immortals. There is a floral immortals, water immortal, wind immortal, and so on. All these immortals live in different realms. There is the demon realm, heavenly realm, mortal realm, and other ones like this. It is definitely beautiful places and magical powers. 

The basis is basically two brothers fighting over a girl. That is an extremely basic description of the show. Jinmi is one of the main characters and see is a curious, naive fairy who wants to see more of the world. While seeing more of the world, see met Xufeng who was the son of the heavenly emperor. Soon after she met his brother Runyu. While seeing more of the world, Jinmi learns so much more about herself that she never knew before. 

Their parents also have a lot of drama going on too. there are so many secrets that become uncovered. There is love, betrayal, jealousy.  There are so many secrets coming to life that their kids didn’t even know. This show is all kinds of drama and I am living for it.

There is only 1 season on Netflix and it is 60 episodes long. Yes you read write, 60 episodes. It is almost like 3 or 4 seasons depending how you break it up. I am not sure why there are so many in 1 season but, I liked it. Because for me, there were plenty to binge watch. It took me about a week to watch all the episodes. I could have finished sooner but I was working.

Let me just say that I could not stop watching. A lot of the episodes ended on a cliff hanger and I just needed to keep watching. There were a lot of characters so I think that made for a lot of different story lines and kept me interested.

I did hear that there would be a 2nd season but they may not be using this original cast which definitely saddens my heart. If there is going to be a season 2, I hope it will be just as good as the 1st one. There are subtitle to help you understand, so need to worry about that. If you are looking for a good romance and lots of drama, this is a show you need to check out. 

Here is a link to the trailer:

And The Show Must Go On

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