The Rain is a post apocalyptic show where one day the rain came down and it was deadly.
The show The Rain starts out as any normal day. Then the rain falls and everything changes. Simone and Rasmus are 2 of our main characters. Their parents seem to know that something bad will happen and take them to a bunker for safety. Their dad leaves to help fix this disaster. Shortly after, they end up losing their mother. Rasmus and Sarah stay in that Bunker for about 5 years. They finally decide to leave and see what the world looks like now that everything has changed.
Once Rasmus and Simone leave that bunker, they are not prepared for the path that their journey takes. They are fortunate to find a group of people to travel with to help them out along the way. There were 2 characters in particular I think changed the most and they were Patrick and Rasmus. I enjoyed seeing how much their characters changed throughout the seasons and their character arcs .
I did enjoy watching this show but there were some things I didn’t like. One thing was that a few storylines were not fleshed out. They seemed a little too convenient with little to no explanation. Things regarding the rain and how at the end of season 1 it doesn’t have the same effect as it once did in the beginning. How a cure came to be, that was not really explained at all.
I think it had a good foundation and I had a good time watching it so I am going to give this a 3.5. Some things need to be explained a bit more. This show has 3 seasons and it does have a pretty good ending and you will get closure. If you want to check out this show, you can see it on Netflix.
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