Tribes Of Europa: A Post Apocalyptic TV Show

Tribes of Europa is a German show that happens in a post apocalyptic setting. 

Europa is now broken into different tribes. These tribes are in different sections of the world, but some tribes are trying to gain more and more power to rule all of Europa. 

The show focuses around 3 siblings Liv, Kiano, and Elja. They are a part of the tribe called Origines. The Orgines are a peaceful tribe and live within the forest. They keep to themselves and in return no one bothers them. One day they see an aircraft crash near their tribe. They investigate and find that there is an injured pilot. They are not the only tribe that saw this crash. There are other tribes who saw, that are interested in a cube. The cube is an important device that was inside of the aircraft that hold a lot of power. 

Another tribe called the Crows, are merciless and are after the cube. They follow the Origines because they have the injured pilot and then they strike. They kill almost everyone in the tribe looking for the cube. After the attack, the 3 siblings are separated. One of them is able to escape the attack by the Crows, one is left for dead, and one is taken as a slave for the Crows. 

They are trying to get back to each other but they aren’t sure if their siblings are still alive or not. We see how each sibling is surviving without each other and what they will do in order to survive in their new life. 

I absolutely enjoyed watching this show. It took a little bit for me to get into, but once I did I couldn’t stop watching. I enjoyed seeing the different tribes and their way of life. The ones we did see were very different, and I think if there is a season 2 we will see many more tribes. I also loved seeing how each sibling adapted to their new situation. They are all different personalities and are in extremely different situations. It was interesting to see what each of them did with the difficulties they faced. 

I give this 4.5 stars. I really enjoyed it. It ended on a bit of a cliffhanger so I need season 2 as soon as possible. This show has action, drama, sci-fi, and it is graphic, especially with the death scenes. There is also some nudity in the show as well. A 2nd season has not been confirmed yet. If you like post-apocalyptic or end of the world shows, you should give this one a watch. This currently has 1 season on Netflix. It is only 6 episodes so it is a quick watch and I think it is worth it. Have you seen Tribes of Europa? If so, what did you think?

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