Blogmas Day 16! Normal People was a show I watched this year and enjoyed. After seeing the show, I realized that it was based on a book and I immediately needed to read it. The show follows the book pretty closely in my opinion. I think if you liked theRead More →

Blogmas Day 15! If you didn’t already know from all the times I have been mentioning it this year, I started a youtube channel. It was a different way for me to create content and I have really been loving it. I am still learning but I am enjoying theRead More →

Blogmas Day 14! Here are some more TV recommendations for you. There are some TV shows I watched and they reminded me of other TV shows I have seen. So here are some TV shows you might like based on other shows like it.  If you liked Only Murders InRead More →

Blogmas Day 13! This year I have really been getting more into reading. I decided to bring that into my love for TV. I read some books based on TV shows this year. I was comparing the books based on the TV that was adapted from them. II had aRead More →

Blogmas Day 12! I never thought about getting Apple TV before. There are some shows on there that interested me but I never really persuaded myself to get the streaming service. Last year, I got an ipad and it came with free Apple TV for the year. Since it wasRead More →

Blogmas Day 11! Ted Lasso is about Ted who is an American football coach and he is hired to coach football (soccer) in England. He will be coaching the team in Richmond. The people of this area are very upset that an American coach who knows nothing about the sportRead More →

Blogmas Day 10! If you didn’t know already, Im a romance person. It’s my favorite genre to watch. I decided to find the couples where I enjoyed seeing there relationships form. There were ups and downs but seemed to find their way to each other. Here are a few couplesRead More →

Blogmas Day 9! So I have been slacking a little when it comes to TV. If you have seen on my youtube channel. I have a watchlist video I do almost every month. Well there were a lot of shows I picked, that I didn’t end up watching. So myRead More →

Blogmas Day 8! I love blogging and I also love seeing other  bloggers and their content. I mostly follow my favorite ones on twitter. Here are a few bloggers I have been into this year. I have loved seeing their content and what they come up with everyday. Their socialRead More →

Blogmas Day 7! I always love giving you recommendations of TV shows to watch. If you look at the category “List” on my website, you will see tons of recommendations and suggestions on what you should watch based on what I liked.  Alexa & Katie – This was a suggestionRead More →