Blogmas Day 16! I have gotten into reading recently. One thing I have loved doing is finding books that have been made into TV shows. I also love suggestions for books best on some TV shows I have liked. When I find that a TV show is based on a book,Read More →

Blogmas Day 16! Normal People was a show I watched this year and enjoyed. After seeing the show, I realized that it was based on a book and I immediately needed to read it. The show follows the book pretty closely in my opinion. I think if you liked theRead More →

Blogmas Day 13! This year I have really been getting more into reading. I decided to bring that into my love for TV. I read some books based on TV shows this year. I was comparing the books based on the TV that was adapted from them. II had aRead More →

I loved watching the 1st season of Bridgerton that I decided to read all the books in the series. Below are the books and a brief description of each one. The Duke and I – Daphne and Simon enter into a fake relationship to help each other out. While theyRead More →