Love! Love! Love! So this is the last post of the Valentine’s Day series. I really enjoyed doing all these posts for you guys. This current post is somewhat similar to one I did last year.  The link is below if you want to check it out. 14 TV CouplesRead More →

My posts for fall shows will be coming to an end soon. Yes, I know we are all sad but don’t cry, because that means that all these shows will be premiering very soon. Woot! Woot! The show I will be talking about is a comedy with some of myRead More →

So many good shows coming this Fall and I don’t know if I have enough time to talk about all of them but I will try. Many of the shows that I have talked about have been with some of favorite actors but in a new atmosphere. This one isRead More →

I just finished watching 2 seasons of Brooklyn Nine Nine and I can’t get enough. This show of course was recommended by a friend. She told me that she was laughing all day just from watching it. I watched it and completely agreed with her. I began watching this showRead More →

Christmas break has officially started and that means binge watching, Netflix, and hot chocolate. Christmas break is a long one and that means tons of time to watch the TV shows that you want. You want to relax, and if you do not know what shows to watch here areRead More →

 Photo from : I was a little hesitant to give this show try. From the previews it looked funny, but like a corny type of funny. I never thought I would watch it. People around me were very persistent, and kept telling me how funny it was. I wasRead More →

     photo from Hello everyone, I hope you guys are doing well. It’s that time of the year again. The time for the beach, tan, and of course binge watching your favorite TV shows. I love this time of year because I have so much more time to watchRead More →

Easter Break is coming up and you are probably looking for a new show to start watching. If not, here are some suggestions anyway. All the shows I’m about to mention have 2 seasons or less, so it will be pretty easier for you to watch all the episodes overRead More →

Happy New Year everyone! I hope your New Years Eve and New Years Day was great.  With a new year,  it brings new shows and I can’t wait till that happens. New shows will start and existing shows will be back! Here is the layout for January. January 4 –Read More →

Many people watch TV as a part of everyday life. We have our favorite shows that we watch faithfully. What happens when that show comes to an end? Some people do not know what to watch next or they limit themselves and don’t realize what great shows are out there.Read More →