Taking a closer look at Derek in Teen Wolf.
Can we just talk about the shocker at the end of Teen Wolf. Did anyone see that coming ,because it was not I. Young Derek was a shocker to us all. I did not think that they would bring him back but glad they did because it is a game changer. I think this ending really made the first episode a good one and the upcoming season looks very interesting. A lot of dedicated Teen Wolf fans are not too happy about the new characters on the show. I am keeping an open mind and seeing how these characters develop in this season.
Another issue with fans is Malia and Stiles and Lydia and Stiles. We have a love triangle in the mix and currently Lydia doesn’t have a guy in her life but Stiles has a girl in his which is definitely something different. Lydia, use to the attention Stiles gives her, will have to adapt to the new women in his life. I think its about time Stiles gets girl. I haven’t decided which team I am on yet, so I will have to see how the season plays out. I can’t wait a whole week for the next episode of Teen Wolf because it is to addicting. So until next week I will just enjoy the face of young Derek.

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I was also a bit on the fence about the new characters. I love Isaac and Allison! However, after watching last night’s episode I have found I like Malia too. I was stunned to see Derek is now child, which I think is a great twist! When it comes to Teen Wolf you never know what is going to happen, unlike most shows where it is easy to predict. I was thinking the big twist would be having Kate back, but once again I was proven wrong. I’m really looking forward to seeing how the show progresses with different characters. I wonder if anymore actors will leave the show after this season??
I totally agree with you on the twist of the show, on how what we didn’t expect is what we are all focusing on. I agree that I am liking Malia a little more than I thought I would. I hope no one else leaves the show.