Blogmas Day 16!
Normal People was a show I watched this year and enjoyed. After seeing the show, I realized that it was based on a book and I immediately needed to read it. The show follows the book pretty closely in my opinion. I think if you liked the book, you will really like the show. I also think if you didn’t like the book, you should give the show a try because you will probably like it.
After reading and watching Normal People, I think the depth to the characters was really good in the show. While watching the show, I knew more about the characters and their actions. I liked Connell better in the show because I think I got to see more of his expressions and body language every time he was with Marianne. I didn’t really like Connell in the book. In the show, I liked him a lot better. I was able to empathize with him better in the show.
The timeline of the story in the show better than the book in my opinion. The book had a lot of flashbacks throughout the story. I liked it better that it was told through a linear way in the show instead of going back and forth from past to present. Both ways were fine, and still told the same story but I liked how they did it in the show.
What I think both the book and show did well was the story obviously. I think how it was told was amazing. It felt like a real relationship. Not like a typical one you see on the screen. To me, it felt like an actual relationship we were witnessing. I got that feeling while reading the book and while watching the show.
I did like the book. It isn’t a happy go lucky romance, but it is a good story. I would suggest reading it. If you have already seen the show, it will give you a greater appreciation for the book. I will link my review for the TV show below if you are interested to know more about my thoughts about that.
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