I love North and South so much. I have rewatched this many times.
Here are a few of my favorite moments between John & Margaret in the show.
Hands touching – There were so many times where their hands touched, but my favorite is when they were at a dinner. Margaret looked beautiful and I feel like John couldn’t stop looking her way. When they shake hands and their hands linger a bit. I loved it.

Her protecting him – His workers are upset about their working conditions and things not changing, losing their jobs. Emotions were very high and there was a riot starting outside John’s house. Then, Margaret gets in front of him when a rock is thrown. She throws herself in front of him without thinking to protect him.

When he proposes – I loved this moment and also didn’t love it, but I think it is important to their relationship. John has feelings for Margaret and he decides to ask for her hand in marriage. She is completely surprised and wondering where this proposal is coming from. I love how he takes a risk and asks for her hand in marriage, but I do feel bad for him.

“Look back at me” – Margaret decides to leave the North and she says goodbye to the Thatcher family. When she gets in her carriage, he says to himself “Look back at me”. Hoping that she will want to get one last look of him. I was also hoping she would look back but she never did. I felt the pain of that hope he had fade away.

The entire ending. The kiss! – I loved everything about the ending. It was my absolute favorite scene. At the end, they see each other at the train station. The smile on John’s face when he sees Margaret is so big. When they kiss, it is so romantic and perfect for the ending. After a slow burn, this was the perfect happily ever after.

I hope some of my favorite moments match yours. If you have seen the show, what are some of your other favorite moments?
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