It is getting hot in the new legal drama Reckless. In this drama Reckless , these two lawyers are getting closer and closer. They both obviously have a physical attraction to each other but where will it lead? In previous episodes they have been treading softly, but not anymore. In next weeks episode,Read More →

Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence perform in this show called Melissa & Joey and they are funny. They both starred in a movie called My Fake Fiancé. The movie did so well that they decided to make a spin off show with these two people. I really enjoyed this movieRead More →

Baby Daddy is a comedy more people should be watching. I love this show so much. The cast get along so well. I caught up with this show on Netflix because they had new episodes. This show is a comedy and it makes me laugh so much. Jean – LucRead More →

I usually do not like reality TV shows but this season of Big Brother has got me addicted.  I don’t know what it is, but the drama is starting so soon in this house. All these people are paranoid to the max and seeing what they will do to ensureRead More →

I believe that the first episode of Young and Hungry did very good for themselves. It was a good mixture of comedy and drama in the show. There were some parts that could have been better, but I think that the more that the show goes on the better the castRead More →

Taking a closer look at Derek in Teen Wolf. Can we just talk about the shocker at the end of Teen Wolf. Did anyone see that coming ,because it was not I. Young Derek was a shocker to us all. I did not think that they would bring him backRead More →

Friday Night Lights is a Football show I finally watched This is a show that I have put off watching for a while. I never really thought it looked that interesting from the photo. Finally, I decided to give it a chance and I am glad that I did. TheRead More →

Switched at Birth is a show that I really like. It is a different than everything I have watched because of how much sign language there is in it. I enjoy the characters and how I can learn sign language while watching, which is really cool.  The basis of theRead More →

I finished catching up on Drop Dead Diva on Netflix. This is the 3rd show that I have binged watch for the month. I have been on a roll. I like Drop Dead Diva a lot because it has law plus a little bit of comedy. If you don’t knowRead More →

During the summer when my regular shows are coming to an end, I experiment on new ones. My first experiment was recommended by a friend and it was Twisted. I wasn’t sure about it at first but now all I can say is I can’t wait till season 2. I was aRead More →