Bingemas: The Iron Fist


Bingemas! Bingemas! Bingemas!

This post for the Bingemas series will be about The Iron Fist. This show is also another one in the marvel series. I told you guys I was in a superhero/marvel mood so get ready for more posts by them.

I really liked this show a lot. It was about a boy who was assumed died in a plane crash with his parents and then years later, he comes back. Everyone is wondering where he has been for all these years and why is he coming back now. He has to find out who he can trust and use his power as the Iron Fist to do was he was taught to do. Not everyone is happy about his home coming and a lot has changed since he was a little boy. That is all I want to say because I don’t want to give to much away.

I really liked this show a lot. I even liked it more than Jessica Jones and that was a good one.  One thing that I really enjoyed was the strong female characters that they had. These woman never backed down from a fight and sometimes they were stronger and were more brave then the male characters. I know one thing I hate is seeing a girl in a action film that is just in the way and not useful at all. This show kept me wanting more and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. There was action, family drama, plot twists, and a sprinkle of romance which makes a recipe for a great show I will love. I would give this show 4 stars I think maybe 4 1/2 but that is the highest. This is a Netflix Original and it is 1 season long. Let me know what you think of this post of Bingemas, And as always The Show Must Go On.

Bingemas: Jessica Jones

Bingemas: The Borgias

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