Blogmas Day 14!
Everyone knows about Clark and Lois. When I started Smallville, I was interested how they would meet and what what dynamic they would have. I loved Clark and Lois together. It was a breath of fresh air because some of the couples in this show I couldn’t stand. Here are some of my favorite Lois & Clark moments in no particular order.
1 – She dunks him

2- Every time she calls him smallville

3 – When they pretend to be engaged

4 – Lois finds out he is the blur

5 – The flash forward episode

6 – Finally tells Lois his secret

7 – The proposal

8 – The Vows Through The Door

This is only a few of the many great moments that Lois and Clark gave us in Smallville. I love this couple and seeing their relationship develop over the seasons. What are some of your favorite Lois and Clark moments?
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