Father’s day is just around the corner so I decided to take a look at some of the fathers on television. Here are some awesome TV dads that we have watched on television. 10. Michael Kyle: He was the Father on My Wife and Kids. He made us laugh andRead More →

With my schedule not being as busy, I have been checking out new shows. One of these shows is Girl Boss. This is a Netflix original and it is loosely based on a true story. If you have ever heard of the website Nasty Gal, than you might know thisRead More →

Summer is here! Time to relax and unwind. This is also a time to catch up on old shows and watch some new ones. If you are looking for some new shows to watch or maybe binge, here are some ideas. 5. Hart of Dixie  This show is about aRead More →

My #1 show for the summer is Big Brother. My sister got me hooked on this show a couple summers ago and now I can’t stop watching. I don’t think that I am at super fan level but I might be getting there soon. I am so ready for JulieRead More →

I definitely watched this a lot later than everyone else. I heard a lot of good things about it and was excited to see what it was about. If you haven’t seen it yet i’ll tell you what it is about. It is about a man you is Steven AveryRead More →

If you haven’t watched the season finale for Jane the Virgin STOP READING. There are spoilers ahead. * * * The finale as you may already know was focused around Ro & Xo’s wedding. This finale did not disappoint and it was filled with surprises, drama, and questions that needRead More →

I finally watched it! I know, I know, it took me long enough. Before watching this, I had never really known anything about the OJ Simpson case. I had heard his name but other than that nothing else. I had watched this and I wasn’t sure how much was embellishedRead More →

What Up What Up What Up! I watched this show in 2 days. I had first seen previews for it a couple weeks before and that really caught my eye. I also learned that this show was based on a book, which I had never known. I only watched theRead More →