I watched another Asian drama and I loved it. They have been so addicting and I can’t stop watching. The most recent one I watched was Well Intended Love. This is a Netflix Original and let me tell you that is full of drama. It has love triangles, estranged family,Read More →

I am warning you now that if you haven’t watched the show yet then you will want to stop reading. There will be spoilers ahead. *** There were a lot of things going on in this season and each group of people were chasing a lead that all eventually leadRead More →

Ashes of Love has been my most recent binge. This is another Chinese drama that caught my eye and I am glad that I watched it. The show is basically about gods, kind of like how there are Greek gods like Zeus or Athena. In this show they don’t callRead More →

I have been into a lot of foreign films and then some shows came up in my recommendations and I decided to check one of them out. Accidentally in Love is a Netflix Original Chinese drama. It is about this this girl Chen Qing Qing who runs away from herRead More →

Spring is here and Easter is coming up soon. If you want to check out a new show, I have a few that I have enjoyed this year. Here are 5 shows you can watch during your Easter break. 1.The Umbrella Academy: This is a new show that I watchedRead More →

I recently just finished the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I think that this season was definitely more dark than the previous one. I was going to go on and on about what I thought about the season, but something else keeps bugging me. Team Nick or Team Harvey. I haveRead More →

I feel that a good summer show is Santa Clarita Diet. I am so glad that the 3rd season has come out. I love it and I think this dark comedy is hilarious.Where we left off in the 2nd season, was when Anne discovered Sheila had come back from theRead More →

It is finally here! Ever since I finished the first season of On My Block, I have been waiting for the 2nd season. I watched it, and now I’m ready for the season 3. The 2nd season did not disappoint. I loved every minute of it. There will be someRead More →

Basically, I saw the trailer for this show on YouTube and I was like, I need to watch this now. This show is about 7 kids that were adopted by one man and the one thing they have in common is that they have supernatural powers. All except one thatRead More →

It’s Black History Month! I have been wanting to watch this show for a while. I have heard so many good things and know I needed to watch. Also, Regina King was in it so I couldn’t say no. If you haven’t seen it yet, this show focuses around oneRead More →