I am warning you now that if you haven’t watched the show yet then you will want to stop reading. There will be spoilers ahead. *** There were a lot of things going on in this season and each group of people were chasing a lead that all eventually leadRead More →

Ashes of Love has been my most recent binge. This is another Chinese drama that caught my eye and I am glad that I watched it. The show is basically about gods, kind of like how there are Greek gods like Zeus or Athena. In this show they don’t callRead More →

Are you ready for next week, because I know that I’m not. This most recent episode of Game of Thrones had me all over the place. If you haven’t seen the episode yet, stop reading because there will be spoilers. I do have to say this might be one ofRead More →

I feel that a good summer show is Santa Clarita Diet. I am so glad that the 3rd season has come out. I love it and I think this dark comedy is hilarious.Where we left off in the 2nd season, was when Anne discovered Sheila had come back from theRead More →

It is finally here! Ever since I finished the first season of On My Block, I have been waiting for the 2nd season. I watched it, and now I’m ready for the season 3. The 2nd season did not disappoint. I loved every minute of it. There will be someRead More →

Basically, I saw the trailer for this show on YouTube and I was like, I need to watch this now. This show is about 7 kids that were adopted by one man and the one thing they have in common is that they have supernatural powers. All except one thatRead More →

It’s Black History Month! I have been wanting to watch this show for a while. I have heard so many good things and know I needed to watch. Also, Regina King was in it so I couldn’t say no. If you haven’t seen it yet, this show focuses around oneRead More →

I have finally watched season 3 of Fuller House. I have to say that I did like this season more than the previous one. A lot of things happened in this season. In this season, DJ and Steve see where their relationship goes. They haven’t given themselves a real chanceRead More →

I finally watched the last season of A Series of Unfortunate Events. As I was watching I didn’t realize this would be the last season until I read some article about it. I did hear that they were going to be ending soon but i thought there would be another season,Read More →

Hey Guys! Single Parents was a show that I wanted to watch in the fall but didn’t make enough time for. Eventually during Christmas break, I caught up on all the episodes. I wasn’t completely sure about the show at first. I wanted to see it, but if i’m notRead More →