The final season of Vikings. I finally finished all 6 seasons and I am glad I watched the show.  *Tons of spoilers below* In the 6th season, we see Bjorn finally as king. He deals with the traitors that worked for Ivar and he figures out what is the bestRead More →

I think season 5 of Vikings was by far my favorite season. I loved seeing all the battles in this season.  The main theme in this season was wars between brothers. It did not happen only to the sons of Ragnor. It also happened between King Harold and his brother.Read More →

A lot happened and it is pathing the way in my opinion for the new Vikings. In season 4 of Vikings, it was split into 2 parts but I decided to put them together for my thoughts on season 4. I will be talking about some things that stood outRead More →

So much happened in season 3 of Vikings. My favorite part was when they went to Paris. I think those episodes were really good and I loved the battles scenes. This has been my favorite season so far. I was really into it and I couldn’t stop watching. We didRead More →

Ok, now I am a lot more interested in this show. After watching season 2, I am now fully invested in this show. I was wrong in my season 1 predictions of this show and I am glad about it. I thought Ragnor or Rollo would have probably have diedRead More →

Here is what I thought of Vikings season 1. I am binge watching the Vikings and I decided to break down after each season on what I think. I may give some predictions at what I think might happen. So I was pretty excited to watch this. I heard goodRead More →

Blogmas Day 20 This was a recommendation by my sister. I don’t think I would have watched this otherwise. Alexa & Katie is about Alexa who was diagnosed with cancer. Her best friend is Katie and she has been there through every step of the way. They are about toRead More →

Blogmas Day 9 I have been really wanting to watch Smallville. I have some things to say about this show. because I have opinions and feelings about this show.  So we all know about Superman. He is like the oldest superhero, he wears red and blue, he flys and wearsRead More →

When I found out that Lincoln heights was on Hulu, I had to give it a watch.  This show is about a family who decides to move to a new house in Lincoln heights as a plan to revamp the neighborhood. When this was on TV, I never watched itRead More →

I decided to watch another show in a different language. The Gran Hotel is in Spanish and it is a great show to watch.  This show starts out with Julio going to the Gran Hotel to visit his sister who works as a maid there. When he gets there, heRead More →